Software projects I’m Involved In
Have a look at my GitHub page, FESOM organisation and CliDyn organisation for many smaller projects.
FESOM2: I contribute to the development of the Finite-volumE Sea Ice-Ocean Model, a multi-resolution sea ice-ocean model that solves the equations of motion on unstructured meshes. FESOM serves as the ocean component of several coupled climate models (e.g., AWI-CM, IFS-FESOM) and contributes to CMIP6, DestinE, and numerous other international and national activities and projects.
ClimSight: Prototype of a system that uses LLMs to answer questions about climate change impacts on planned human activities. Our goal is to democratize access to high-quality climate information by providing a service that can answer climate-related questions while considering geographical location and summarizing the wealth of information available for a specific point on Earth. The main funding currently comes from DestinE.